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Spring 2020 - Spring 2021


Beyond the platitudes and awful realities about the pandemic is an awkward truth: I didn't hate quarantine. In fact, I felt a little like that banker with the thick glasses from The Twilight Zone - a weird analogy to choose given how that episode ends.


Maybe I was ready for my life to do a 180. I was also, in all likelihood, very very lucky. Either way, as someone who previously had a job that forced me to be both visible and social, I was temporarily able to escape the fishbowl. I finally got to sleep, felt not-shitty, and used that new mental and emotional real estate to think about who I would choose to be if no one was watching me and I didn't feel worn down by capitalism.

These photos are, in part, an answer to that thought.


Summer 2020 - ongoing


Altars are an important part of my spiritual practice - the only one I've adopted from my family of origin. Building them requires a process that forces me to acknowledge that I might, in fact, be creative. They come in different shapes sizes, and emotional textures which I hope to demonstrate here. Some of my favorites are unintentional ones, like desk spaces with tchotchkes and inspirational notes.

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